Ultra Super Hyper High Definition!!!

Q-721 motion comics and italian webcomics - Ultra super hyper high definition

Si’, nel campo del video, la corsa a chi ha piu’ “k” e’ oramai senza freni. Dall’HDTV, al 4k ultra high definition, 8k uhd e cosi’ via discorrendo. Sembra proprio che fissare uno schermo sara’ in futuro sempre piu’ avvincente. Prepariamoci a comprare un televisore ad ogni cambio di stagione. A voi “8 bit“.

Yes, in the field of video it really seems that the unbridled rush to get the more k’s we can has started. From Hdtv to 4kUHD, 8kUHD and so on. Staring at a screen will become more and more attractive. Lets get ready to buy a new tv set every year…Enjoy ” 8 bit“.