Suntan – Q-721 motion comics & webcomics italy – モーションコミック、4コマ漫画


suntan - Q-721 motion comics & webcomics italy - モーションコミック、4コマ漫画

– Darling’s been so kind to bring us to this beach for a suntan.

suntan - Q-721 motion comics & webcomics italy - モーションコミック、4コマ漫画

– Kind?!? I think they abandoned us on this island…

– Oh, no worries, our insurance’s right here inside my purse.

suntan - Q-721 motion comics & webcomics italy - モーションコミック、4コマ漫画

– So, are you able to drive this submarine away at warp speed?

– Mmm, did you take the keys out of the dashboard by any chance?

– No kidding, Big Moustache!!!