Io, per me la bellezza e’… – I, ehm, for me beauty is…

Q-721 webcomics

Quel Baudelaire aveva una certa idea sulla bellezza e ne “I Fiori del Male” potremmo divertirci (si fa per dire) a curiosare nella sua mente. Ma qui, tra la ciurma, quel concetto sfugge seppure al riguardo si potrebbe raccontare di quell’incontro inaspettato…A voi “Inno alla Bellezza”.

I, ehm, for me beauty is…

That damned poet of Baudelaire had his certain idea about beauty. In ‘The Flowers of Evil’ we could take a look into his brains. Here, among the crew, that concept is hard to explain. But one thing they could tell us, about a recent unexpected rendezvous under the seas. Enjoy “Hymn to Beauty”.