Da Eupalino a Seikan – From Eupalinos to Seikan

Q-721 motion comics and webcomics - Tunnel - From Eupalinos to Seikan

In Giappone c’e’ un tunnel ferroviario (Seikan) dalle straordinarie caratteristiche. Collega l’isola di Honshu all’isola di Hokkaido passando per circa 23 chilometri sotto il letto marino. In Grecia non furono da meno nel VI sec. a.C. quando l’ingegnere  Eupalino costrui’ un tunnel idrico ispezionabile di un chilometro nell’antica citta’ di Samo in un’isola dell’Egeo facendo incontrare sotto terra le due squadre che scavavano dalle opposte estremita’. Incredibile. A voi “Tunnel“.

From Eupalinos to Seikan

In Japan there is an extraordinary railway tunnel which connects the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido. It passes beneath the seabed and it is about 23km long. But in the 6th century b.C. the Greeks also built an incredible tunnel for water. It is in the Island of Samos in the Aegean Sea. The engineer Eupalinos was able to make encounter the teams who were digging from the extremes of the tunnel using the limited techniques of that time. Incredible. Enjoy ” Tunnel